On My Playlist: Losing My Religion by R.E.M.

After a long hiatus, On My Playlist is back. It has been quite sometime since I last wrote about the songs playing in my head on a repeat mode or the artists that have swooned me off my feet (even the Phantom of The Opera post was a few months back!).

Currently, there are a few songs I have been listening to more often than to my all-time favorites. One of them is "Losing my Religion" by R.E.M., not the Rapid Eye Moment one, but the famous band from the 80s. I am pretty much sure now that I am growing up backwards in time; what else can explain my fascination and liking towards things from the 80s, 70s and now even from the 60s!

Talking about the band, I discovered them a few years back through my then new Nokia Lumia which came with this amazing free subscription for a year to Nokia Music store; I might have somehow chanced up "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" by them and downloaded it.

Fast forward to these days, I was listening to "Everybody Hurts" by them (who else?) on Youtube and there was this song in the recommendation section whose title intrigued me instantly- "Losing My Religion". I clicked and rest, they say, is history. I am insanely hooked onto this song and might have (oh, who am I kidding, I definitely have) shared it with almost everyone I know (that's what this girl does when she likes something beyond limits).

Anyways, I won't be raving about the song here too now because it is for you to decide. So go ahead, give it a hear and form an opinion (and let me know of them in the comments below, if you wish). Till next, take care.


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