Thank God it's Sunday!

As I listen to the verses "Things are not what they used to be...." from Metallica's Fade to black, I can't stop myself from wondering how much have I changed (and how much less I write these days) since, I started my 12th grade. Whole life seems to be upside-down and I'm in an absolute mess! It's already a month since college began and frankly speaking, I didn't even start studying seriously! And in today's newspaper, I read that the board exams timetable is out. Man, I just can't get my thoughts sorted. 

Every person needs inspiration to live, right? I guess that's what has gone missing; nothing inspires me now-a-days or to be more precise and accurate, this rut leaves me with no energy or time to enjoy stuff, leave alone drawing inspiration. I was terribly in a need to recharge my batteries. As today is Sunday, I got my much-needed day off. 

Oh, I just realized I bored you! Nevertheless, I re-discovered a mantra, the one which my school had made me acquaint with "I can, I will, I must be a winner" . Yep, this motto formed an integral part of my school-life; when we students used to doubt our potentials, our teachers reminded us of this. Now, I plan to employ this golden code this year too. Anyways, this is supposed to be a short-update. So, for now I need to go, will see ya people soon.   


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