First month's goal successful!

Maybe a perfect pic for my new goal!
Okay, if you have read my previous post on "One change monthly" you probably know about my first month goal of, bathing with just a bucket of water daily. Seriously, I was a huge-water spender before accomplishing this goal and used to spend about 5-6 buckets of water average on my daily bath! I wanted to desperately get rid of this habit of mine but inspite of many attempts, changing this habit remained a distant dream. After reading and discovering about "One change monthly" phenomenon in an old magazine, I began practicing it for the same from The earth day and now after roughly a month I have successfully accomplished it. But, getting through it wasn't too easy.

During the first week of my first challenge, I felt that it would again end-up in an unsuccessful attempt but I did complete this goal and this thing has given me the confidence to alter and eradicate my other bad habits. My this month goal is to 'Have my food on time'. Yeah....I really don't eat my breakfast, lunch and dinner on time, either I eat them too early or too late and due to this habit I find myself munching on junk food most of the time. I really want to change this habit of mine and hope that I could accomplish this one too. So, what do you guys think about this one? and if you too are following any goal this month do tell me about it, I'll be glad to hear.......waiting eagerly for your feedback.

P.S. Happy Environment Day...... :)


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