All we require is a will to take an initiative

A city where millions come to realize their dreams, Mumbai technically acts as a mother to all of them. Theoretically, if we break down the name of the city, it means mother too; 'Mum' an English word means mother and so does the Marathi word "bai". Hence, we can safely conclude that Mumbai is a female figure. But is the female populace in this metropolis safe?

According to the statistics, Mumbai is the safest city in India. Still, the pages of the daily newspaper is filled with all sort of wrong-doing against women! Yes, I agree Mumbai's women related crime-rate is lower than other townships in India but it still is not completely safe for women here. Being called names, passed lewd comments at and touched in a wrong manner are few of the misdeeds that females here have to go through on a daily basis!

I don't blame this city, I can't as I am a born and bought up Mumbaikar who has considered this metro home  since the time I opened my eyes, sixteen years ago. But I do blame the orthodox mindset of the population in this melting-pot of culture still have! I ask why can't a women go around freely without being touched? I ask why can't she return home late night due to whatsoever reason without being eve-teased?

They say "Education is the key to everything", still in a city where highly-educated people dwell women still face serious security issues. And it is not only about what happens outside our homes but also inside; domestic violence, gender discrimination, etc. prevails even in households where everyone is literate. Maybe what we need is the will to take initiative and the desire to set an example to others through our actions. I'm doing my part by standing up for myself and spreading the words through my blog.

Last Saturday, I attended a blogger's meet whose theme happened to be "Mumbai for Women" where the issues faced by women in Mumbai was briefly discussed and where a few solution were provided too. For instance, bloggers were informed about the Railway Helpline number 9833331111. Any individual, whether male or female, can get help here if their is something wrong has happened to them during or after their train commute. I strongly tell you to save this number because you never know when you might need it.

I had a poem in my English textbook titled "What endures?" by "Walt Whitman" which stresses that a city alone is not great but is made great by its people. Thus, on the bottom-line; Mumbai can be made safe for her ladies only when the citizens come-forward to undertake this initiative. 


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