One year down and still on!

So it was my birthday last Sunday (11/11/2012) and I'm updating about it today, after a week to be exact! I'm no longer employing my procrastination as a reason, just lack of some motivation. You know how these vacations are; you have time and that's why you tend to procrastinate, and the problem with working days is; you don't have time still you want to write! Now back to the birthday update thing, this birthday of mine wasn't exactly my best birthday ever but at the same time it didn't turn out to be the worst. No nothing bad happened, despite of that I didn't feel the 'happy-happy' Birthday spirit this time around. Everyone was joyous that day, tonnes of wishes for the day pouring in at every moment, yet I felt that the day wasn't an exception, just like a normal Sunday day to be precise.

As this time around my birthday happened to be on a Sunday, I tried to turn the weekend into a 'Birthday weekend' by starting doing things that are fun for me from Friday (the day my Semesters got over) itself, but the mood-spoiling attitude of the college acquaintances with whom I took a trip to a few places in SoBo  turned my 'Yay' spirit into a 'Nay' spirit. And from there the 'nay' spirit took over me and lead me to an awful mood, which lasted whole week!

Anyways, like every year I'm happy that I turned a year older and wiser this time too, as they say "With age comes opportunity to learn and with it comes wisdom". This year in my life taught me a lot, seriously a lot! I had some really mind-blowing experiences which widened my horizons and made me more tolerant and less impatient than I was before, I tried a lot of new things, met a lot of new people also who further made me aware that "Attaining a complete knowledge of things is a mirage, that you keep gaining knowledge but it is never complete". Along with great stuff, I had some not-so-great experiences too but rather than just blaming myself for making wrong choices, I'm happy that those encounters made me realize about Me and contributed towards the wisdom I gained this year

Enough with that thing, now time to check whether I was able to tick-off things from my last year's wishlist:
  • Trekking? Did a fair amount (the latest one was done to reach Hanging Gardens on Malabar Hills). Status: DONE.
  • Reading two new books? I managed to complete more than two books; Unaccustomed Earth, The Namesake and Such A Long Journey are the most notable once I finished.Status: DONE.
  • Baking? Oh yeah, you have seen some of my baking and they were quiet well. Status: DONE.
  • Learning Basic French? Um, I couldn't complete this one. I did try but didn't give my 100% for it. Status: INCOMPLETE.
  • Walking Marine Drive from start to end? A few days before my college was due to re-open I completed this task under the scorching sun. Status: DONE.
So basically, out of five to-dos I have successfully completed four, which isn't that bad after all. And again like last year, I have compiled a new wishlist of stuff which I ought to do before I turn 17 yrs old, this time around too. Also like last year, I have kept all the tasks in my wishlist realistic and do-able, which is something important to keep in mind while framing to-dos (if you really wanna accomplish them):
  • Have a Harry Potter movie marathon. It might take two days to watch all the movies in that series (Yeah, it is very vast!) but I so wanna do this. As I imagine, it will be like living a whole decade in a span of approximately two days.
  • Eat in a Irani Cafe. These Cafes have been around since, almost a century in Mumbai. Hence, it stands as a heritage symbol but unfortunately many of them are on the verge of extinction. So, I want to experience how dining in one is like.
  • Read two new Authors. Basically, I found myself stuck in a rut last year as I just kept reading one author: Jhumpa Lahiri. Thus, this time around I'm planning to read works by at least two different Authors.
  • Learn the basics of playing Bass. I tried to learn how to play a guitar, but I don't know why, it didn't work out well. Bass is a bit easier to play than a guitar, I heard. So, learning basics of playing Bass is on the list.
  • Picnic at Hanging Gardens. As I mentioned before, I had been to Hanging Gardens in order to kick-start my Birthday weekend. The place is so calm and serene and provides a panoramic view of the entire stretch of Marine Drive! Plus it is cleaner than any other garden I have been to till now. Picnicking in a great location like this one is a thing I would love to do.
  • Do some social work. Maybe being part of NSS would help me achieve this goal, fingers crossed!
  • Photo-shoot a location. I did this few months ago with my school friend; we did a photo-shoot of Girgaum Chowpatty and I had a great time photographing that location. Hence, I wanna do it once more but with a different location (Fort, probably?).
Sunset at Giragum Chowpatty

The panoramic view of Chowpatty and Marine Drive from Hanging Gardens

A cat with striking eyes I spotted at the entrance of the gardens

A flower shot from my 2mp mobile camera
Well, these are few thing which I have to do before I lose one more year. Anyways, my fingers are aching after typing this much (Along with typing replies for chat on Facebook) so I'm off for now. So till next, take care...


  1. I hope you had a happy birthday. How was your birthday last year (11/11/11)? This year, a friend of mine is celebrating his birthday on 12/12/12. In the U.S., I was born on 10/10. At the time of my birth, however, it was 11 Oct in India. Now that I am in India, I celebrate my birthday on the 11th, but I did celebrate 10/10/10.
    A few months ago, I read another blog post raving about a particular Irani restaurant in Mumbai. I can not remember the name of it, but I guess that they are indeed popular.

  2. Thanks a lot for your wishes, it means a lot. And yes, Irani restaurants are indeed popular these days but basically due to the fact that now they are on the verge of closing down.


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