In the name of God
Being born in a Brahmin household, I was bought up within the rigid barricades of "religion". I grew up listening to the mythological tales and was constantly reminded that those events in the stories have actually occurred. I was made to "believe" that there is a God, who is the master of fate, that if you ask anything from him with a pure heart and good intentions, God would grant it to you. I never asked questions, just followed what I was asked to do, not because I truly believed in it but because, I didn't have a definite reason not to . Perceptions started changing when I reached the age of fourteen, two year ago. As I got out from the cocoon of protected life, I encountered people with different mindsets and beliefs. I understood correctly how the world isn't just black or white. But due to the lack of a concrete reason for not believing, I continued assuming that there might be a God. But, as an avid ponderer, I always questioned God's exis